People are catching on.
The Feds mandate fist & foremost is the welfare of the big banks.
Sure, Ben won't admit it outright, but follow his actions, not his words.
For Bens actions certainly speak louder than his words. In other words;
follow the money.
So Ben looks after the Big banks...who own the fed, right? Or do they?
Actually, the brings up the question.... exactly who OWNS the fed?
I mean countless commentators bring up Ben Bernanke when discussing
the fed and act like he alone is responisble for the policies of the fed.
Since the fed is private, one wonders... is it a corporation? Is there stock.
Does Pimco, or Calpers (or little ol grand mothers) own the stock.
Yeah,yeah,yeah... we've all had it regurgtated to us countless times
"12 regional banks", "NY Fed", Fed's "profit" remitted to the US Tresurary.
Blah,blah blah. I can do an Internet seach and bring up all the theories.
What is the truth?
What I want to know is ...... WHO are the ultimate movers & shakers
behind the fed who give Ben his marching orders?
Who are the enities that buy off politicians so that they give cover to
the actions of the fed? (come on... you don't really think Congress gives
such favor to the fed on account of it's merits). Actually though,
I have to refute myself to a certain extent. History has proven that the
fed is quite willing to fund the excess spending of Congress by loaning
money, so the relationship between the fed & congress
is obviously symbiotic.
But back to the question at hand.
I tire of the Internet at large equating Ben Bernanke = the Fed.
Surely Ben is nothing other than the butler. Yes, a butler with
a PhD. ... but a servant nevertheless.
So the obivious thing to do is investigate the fed. Look through it's
books. Right? Unfortunately the fed seems to be quite secretive
about its inner workings. Ostensibility that is to "protect" us from
the instabilty (or so claims the fed) ....of knowing the details behind
its dealing.
Bottom line is that the fed has set itself up as the most appealing target
on the planet to ---- FULLY AUDIT WITH A FINE TOOTH COMB !
Audit the fed.
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