
Friday, November 12, 2010

Silver Supply Declining

Just as with gold, silver availability, from mining to inventories, is in decline. This would not be so much of a catalyst if demand remained at levels similar to a decade ago. That is not the case. Demand is skyrocketing.
In June, the U.S. Mint announced it had run out of silver bullion blanks for the production of coins like the American Eagle:
While COMEX silver inventories continue to decline because of constant customer withdrawals of physical bullion:
Mining in many areas is also beginning to fall, including in Peru, a major source of metals like copper, gold, and, of course, silver:
On top of all this, silver is used in the making of many industrial and consumer products, including electronics, photography, batteries, and engine components. This puts an extra strain on silver supplies that is not felt as prominently with gold. Meaning, the ability of silver to outperform gold in terms of demand and investment potential is very high.

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